HR conclave at Shoolini University analyses the future of work and AI technologies
2 min read
Solan, July 22
The two-day HR conclave titled “Harnessing the Power of Artificial Intelligence for HR Excellence” at Shoolini University concluded with a discussion on the future of work, creativity, and AI advancements.
During the conclave, Mr. Ashish Khosla, Co-Founder and President Innovation and Marketing, Shoolini University, and Prof. Amar Raj Singh, Director, Shoolini Online and Distance Learning, conducted a session titled “Unleashing Creativity and Learning with Generative AI: The Future of Innovation”.
The panel discussion, “Gig Economy and the Future of Work: Managing a Hybrid Workforce,” was led by Dr. Pooja Verma. Panellists include Bikramjeet Singh, VP Global Operations at Digimantra, and Utkarsh Kumar, Manager HR at Sonalika Group, Prasoon Prabhajan, Head of Talent Acquisition at Sopra Steria, and Swaranpreet Singh, General Manager of Human Resources at Niva Bupa Health, discussed balancing flexibility and stability in the gig economy, as well as the need for businesses to adapt to hybrid workforce models.
Day two began with an enlightening talk by Dr. Ashoo Khosla, Chief Learning Officer at Shoolini University, who spoke about the convergence of creativity and AI. Dr. Ashoo said, that creativity begins with ideas and leads to innovation, which thrives in a collaborative environment. She engaged participants in the “30 Circle Challenge,” demonstrating divergent thinking, and introduced the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT) to measure fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration.
“Role of Industry in Academia,” a penal discussion was delivered with Sachin Sharma, Associate Director at KPMG in India, Munish Shehrawat, Dean Faculty of Management Sciences at Shoolini University, and Prof. Pradeep Sharma. Shoolini University, Prasoon Prabhajan, Head Talent Acquisition Sopra Steria, Gaurav Saini, Global CHRO Wadhwani Foundation all emphasised the relevance of live industry projects, CSR activities, and AI-powered tools in preparing students for corporate careers.
The second panel discussion, “Implementing AI in HR: Best Practices,” was moderated by Dr. Prof. Manjunath B. R., Professor Director, Academic Affairs, Shoolini University, and featured panellists Anand Pachouri, Head L and OD Jindal Stainless, Gaurav Saini, Global CHRO Wadhwani Foundation, Dr. Naipal, and Prof. Tarun Gupta, Director Operations, Shoolini Online. They discussed AI’s significance in extending human capabilities, increasing productivity, and simplifying daily activities.
The conclave also marked the release of the book “Smart HR with AI: Leveraging AI for Workforce Excellence,” edited by Prof. Ashish Khosla and Dr. Pooja Verma and designed by Ms. Aditi Sharma. The book includes contributions from HR leaders, Shoolini University, and SILB faculty. The book highlights the value of AI-powered solutions for enhancing time management and streamlining operations.
The event concluded with a vote of thanks by Dr. Pooja Verma, who expressed gratitude to all organisers, team members, volunteers, and management for their contributions. Dr. Verma underscored the importance of collaboration between industry and academia for the institution’s growth.