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HP first state to implement NEP : Education Minister

2 min read

Special emphasis on strengthening the online education system

Mandi, October 14:
Himachal Pradesh is the first state in the country to implement the National Education Policy said the Education, Language, and Culture Minister Govind Singh Thakur here today.
He said that the State Government is giving special emphasis on strengthening education in all areas. He said that due to the present circumstances due to the Corona epidemic, excellent work is also being done in the direction of the online education system.
Govind Singh Thakur was speaking while presiding over the program based on the Interconnected Project Monitoring System (digitization of the school) integrated by the Social Communication and Education Committee in Dhar, Rivalsar. He said that this system prepared by the committee will be tested by the experts and if it is met, it will be considered to be implemented in the state.
He said that he said that the committee has prepared a website of 877 government and private schools in the district and has done a commendable job by interconnecting them all. He said that the present era is of the latest technology. The system prepared by the committee is in Sanskrit language and cannot be hacked. He said that in developed countries of the world, mother tongue is taught first and then other languages ​​are taught. He urged that special emphasis should be given on the use of the mother tongue as well as knowledge of other languages ​​is also important.
 He also made people aware of the rescue from Corona and administered an oath to the people present on the occasion to follow the precautions and precautions against Corona. He said that the threat of corona is not yet deferred, so follow the instructions given by the government.
Earlier, he inspected the under-construction building of the Government College Rewalsar and instructed the concerned officials to complete the construction work on time with full quality.
On this occasion, MLA Indra Singh Gandhi, MLA, discussed in detail about the development of Balh Vidhan Sabha constituency. He presented the demand letter related to various schools in the Vidhan Sabha constituency to the Education Minister, which the Education Minister assured to complete in a systematic manner.
State Coordinator of Social Communication and Education Committee Hemraj Sharma, State Project Director Shakti Bhushan, Secretary of the institution Bhagwan Das Sharma, Vice President Kishan Chand, Abhay Singh, Awadhiz Sharma also presented a presentation on this system prepared by the committee. It has been shown in the presentation that four separate websites of the Department of Education are being run by the Higher and Primary Education, Sampoorna Shiksha Abhiyan and the Himachal Pradesh School Education Board is able to be operated by a single website. This will save valuable time for teachers and students.

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