30 projects worth more than Rs 3cr approved
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Shimla, 22 October
30 new projects of bonafide Himachalis worth Rs 3 crore 41 lakh including manufacturing, service, and trading enterprises got approved under Mukhyamantri Swavlamban Yojana during a district-level meeting held here today.
DC Shimla, Aditya Negi stressed that young professionals who have returned to the State due to the COVID-19 pandemic should take benefit of schemes initiated by the State and Central Governments being implemented by the Industries Department.
Aditya Negi emphasized that the District Industries Centre should conduct awareness camps and activities among the targeted group so that the youth of the district is benefited from the Chief Minister’s flagship scheme.
General Manager DIC Shimla Yogesh Gupta apprised the Deputy Commissioner of various investment activities undertaken by them and added that projects worth Rs 13 crore 82 lakh have been financed by DIC with a subsidy component of Rs 2 crore 74 lakh has been provided.