In the milieu of present time necessitated innovation based researches for each profession and professional, which lead one’s intellectual property...
Solan, May 1 Media has a greater responsibility and role to calm the nerves of the nation during any crisis...
Solan, May 1 Belletristic, the literary society of the Department of English at Shoolini University, organised a session wherein the...
सोलन, अप्रैल 30 (Himachal Tonite Bureau) एक ओर जहां करोना के मामले थमता नजर नहीं आ रहे हैं और आंकड़े...
Solan, April 29 - School of Yoga at Shoolini University, organised a webinar on “Yoga Therapy: an overview”. The Webinar was...
Solan, April 30 - Saksham Dance Club at Shoolini University organised a virtual dance competition, ‘Idol Thirkan’, to celebrate International Dance...
Solan, April 29 - Shoolini University has been ranked second in the country for quality of research among the universities...
Government imposes ban on community feast in marriages and other celebration Shimla, April 29 - The State Government in the...
शिमला, अप्रैल 28 - छात्र अभिभावक मंच के बैनर तले दयानंद पब्लिक स्कूल व अन्य स्कूलों के अभिभावक शिक्षा निदेशालय...
Solan, April 27 T- TheYogananda Centre for Theology at Shoolini University organised a webinar on “Science of Spirituality”. The keynote...