List of Identified Posts Suitable for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities Notified
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Delhi, Jan. 15 – The Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities on 4th January 2021 notified 3566 posts in Central Government establishments as suitable for persons with benchmark disabilities (disability of 40% and above) under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016. These posts include 1046 in Group A, 515 in Group B, 1724 in Group C and 281 in Group D posts. Posts have also been identified suitable for new categories of persons with disabilities such as dwarfism, acid attack victims, muscular dystrophy, autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, specific learning disability, mental illness and multiple disability have been added. This list is not an exhaustive one and Central Ministries/Department/Autonomous Bodies and Public Sector Undertakings may further supplement. This notification will broaden the scope for employment for persons with benchmark disabilities in Government establishments.
A list of 2973 posts identified suitable for persons with benchmark disabilities was last notified on 29.07.2013 in terms of the repealed Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunity, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995. As compared to the earlier notified list, 593 new posts have been added.
The list of posts notified by the Central Government on 04.01.2021 is based on the recommendations of an expert committee constituted under the chairpersonship of the Secretary, Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities and consisting experts, persons with benchmark disabilities and representatives from various associations of persons with disabilities.
Details of the list is available on the website of the Department. Notification is also available on