Himachal Tonite

Go Beyond News

Unite in Fight Against Corona – PM

1 min read

New Delhi, Oct. 8 PIB

Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi launched a public movement today and appealed everyone to unite in the fight against corona.

In a tweet, the Prime Minister appealed everyone to unite in the fight against Corona. Reiterating the key message of “wear a mask, wash hands, follow social distancing and practice do gaj ki doori”, the Prime Minister said together we will succeed and win against the Covid-19.

The campaign is being launched with the aim to encourage People’s Participation. Under the campaign, a COVID-19 Pledge will be taken by all. A Concerted Action Plan will be implemented by Central Government Ministries/ Departments and State Governments/ Union Territories with the following highlights:

  •   Region- specific targeted communication in high case-load districts.
  • Simple and easily understandable messages to reach every citizen
  • Dissemination throughout the country using all media platforms
  • Banners and Posters at public places; involving Frontline workers and Targeting Beneficiaries of Government Schemes
  • Hoardings/ wall paintings/ electronic display boards in government premises
  • Involvement of Local and National influencers to drive home the message
  • Running mobile vans for regular awareness generation
  • Audio messages; pamphlets/ brochures on awareness
  • Seeking support of Local Cable Operators for running COVID messages
  • Coordinated media campaign across platforms for effective outreach and impact

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