JNVs to Start Physical Classes for Class X & XII
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Delhi, Feb. 03 – Ministry of Education has prepared SOP for re-opening of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas based on guidelines of Ministry of Home Affairs & Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. All the precautionary measures like sanitization of the JNVs, arrangement for classes & stay of students in the hostel with social distancing and preparation of COVID management protocol to meet the emergency situations etc. have been already taken care of by Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas.
On the basis of SOP of Ministry of Education, every school has also prepared its own SOP based on SOP of State Government and in consultation with District Administration for effective management of COVID situation by constituting task force. JNVs are well prepared to manage physical classes for the students for whom consent of the parent is available. In respect of other students, online classes will continue to avoid academic loss. With regard to students to be called for physical classes in a phased manner, directions of state administration will be strictly followed. Being residential school, wearing of mask, maintaining social distance, frequent hand washing and sanitization will be given utmost importance. Accordingly, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas will open for physical classes wherever State Government has allowed to open school initially for Classes X & XII. Further directions will be given shortly in respect of other classes based on availability of accommodation and devices to students.
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas were closed for summer vacation after the outburst of COVID-19 Pandemic in March-2020 after completing the term end examinations. Efforts were made to train the teachers on the development of e-content and management of online classes and online assessment. Online classes started in all Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas w.e.f. 15th June 2020. Online assessments are also being conducted periodically. Students without devices for online education have been provided with text books, learning materials like assignment, question bank etc, through special messenger/ parents/ post.