Workshop on ‘System Inertia and Flexibility Services from Hydro Stations in Indian Power System’
2 min readShimla, Sept. 17 Forum of the Hydro Power Producers and other Stakeholders (HPPF) in association with Power System Operation Corporation Ltd. (POSOCO) and Indian Institute of Technology Bombay and in co-operation with Himachal Pradesh Power Corporation (HPPCL), is organizing a Workshop on ‘System Inertia and Flexibility Services from Hydro Stations in Indian Power System’ on Monday, the 19th September, 2022 at Shimla. The Workshop will be inaugurated by Sh. R.D. Dhiman, Chief Secretary, H. P. Government. Sh. R.K. Porwal, Chief General Manager, POSOCO is the Key Speaker on the occasion. Prof. (Dr.) Zakir H. Rather from IIT Bombay will address the participants focusing on — Inertia assessment in Indian Power System with challenges ahead and likely solutions. Sh. Phanisankar Chilukuri of POSOCO would speak on Automatic Generation Control (AGC) in Indian Power System followed by Case Studies on flexibility services from hydro generators (peaking, synchronous condenser mode operation, pumped storage, Black-start, etc.).
The Workshop on ‘System Inertia and Flexibility Services from Hydro Stations in Indian Power System’ is targeted towards the engineering officials at all levels involved in power sector development and operation thereof. This Workshop is also aimed for the immense benefit of all the aspects of generation, transmission and distribution of Himachal Pradesh Power Sector and the organizations concerned with the development, operation and maintenance of the same in future particularly when power sector is under transformation with penetration of non-hydro renewables sources in the country’s energy mix which would lead to many Policy, Planning, Regulatory, Technical, and Operational issues in the coming years.
Practicing Engineers, Power System Planners, Designers and System Operators are participating in this Workshop which is an example of Industry-academia collaboration.