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Vikramaditya Singh Criticizes Former CM Jairam Thakur for Divisive Politics in Mandi

2 min read

Mandi, May 28, 2024 – Congress candidate and Public Works Minister Vikramaditya Singh accused former Chief Minister Jairam Thakur of engaging in regional politics, attempting to manipulate people’s emotions. Speaking at election rallies in Janjehli and Balichowki in the Seraj constituency, Singh said, “The people of Mandi Parliamentary Constituency had given a strong reply to such divisive tactics in the by-elections, and they will do so again this time.”

Singh emphasized that the developmental foundation laid by the late Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh in the Seraj area has borne fruit. He highlighted that Virbhadra Singh never engaged in regional politics or discrimination. “Jairam Thakur received full support from Virbhadra Singh for all his demands for the Seraj region,” he added.

Singh criticized the BJP for fielding an actress as their candidate, whom he claimed lacks understanding and knowledge of the region. “She has not presented any vision and is merely entertaining people with praises of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and irrelevant talks,” Singh remarked. He condemned the BJP candidate’s use of inappropriate language, stating it was unfortunate and unbecoming of a woman. He predicted that she would return to Mumbai after losing the election on June 4.

Vikramaditya Singh pointed out that while the BJP candidate now calls herself Mandi’s daughter to seek votes, she was absent during the region’s times of crisis. “She did not show any concern for the area during the disaster,” he noted.

Highlighting the achievements of the current Congress government in its 15-month tenure, Singh mentioned the creation of over 22,000 posts in the public sector. He accused the BJP of misleading the people of the state. Singh urged voters to reject any temptations from the BJP and vote for continued development in the region.

Singh stressed the fulfillment of Congress’s promises, such as the reinstatement of the Old Pension Scheme (OPS) for employees and the provision of a monthly honorarium of Rs 1500 to women. He criticized Jairam Thakur for trying to halt the Rs 1500 monthly scheme for women by appealing to the Election Commission. “The state government has allocated a budget of 800 crores for this scheme, and all eligible women will start receiving the amount from June 6,” Singh assured.

Vikramaditya Singh appealed to the electorate to elect him with a substantial majority so that he could start a new chapter of development in the Mandi Parliamentary Constituency. “As an MP, I will rise above partisan politics and work for the comprehensive development of the region,” he concluded.

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