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Things Happy people do: They practice Forgiveness

2 min read

When someone does something causing you to experience loss in any form or to feel hurt, learn to look past your first gut reactions. Learn to look beyond your wounds.

When you take responsibility for yourself and your life, you begin to see that everyone operates from their point of view. This is likely to be very individual and unique and has little to do with you and a lot to do with their own attitude towards life.

Instead of wallowing in self-pity, and plotting revenge, happy people seek the lessons so that they can grow and progress. They constantly thank others for their presence and also for rubbing their rough spots, because they show you something about yourself to work on. Happy people question their triggers and ask themselves how they can release those triggers to not go through the hurt again. They learn and they forgive without carrying the festering venom of resentment inside themselves. It is commonly said that ‘hurt people hurt people’ … until they learn to heal. People who hurt others do not see past the anger inside themselves. Happy people understand this and are compassionate and forgiving.

Forgiveness does not mean condoning bad behaviour, but simply not allowing it to create more negativity, hurt and resentment. Forgiveness breaks the vicious cycle of hatred, violence, anger and does not allow it to rule our life or suck our precious life force. It frees us to move ahead. Happy people are on the move and not stuck in past situations or thoughts of vendetta. Being on the move can also mean moving away from people and situations which constantly create or cause hurt and pain.

People who forgive others see that everyone is different and imperfect, everyone is prone to error. They are able to see the person, past the behaviour, and know it has nothing to do with them personally but everything to do with that person’s journey in life. They do not take on responsibility for others behaviours or for setting them right but move on to create more happiness in their own lives through the pursuit of their purpose.

Thank, detach, forgive, release and bless is a constant for happy people.

Tina Saxena ( Mindfulness Practitioner and Life-Design Coach)

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