Himachal Tonite

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Satisfying Opposition Neither our Priority nor Need – CM

3 min read

Congress Opposes for Sake of Opposing

 Shimla, Dec 26, Himachal Tonite Bureau 

“We only got two years instead of three due to Covid still there is a lot that we have accomplished,” said CM Jai Ram Thakur while addressing the Press Conference here today. Thakur briefed about his government’s accomplishments on completing three years in power on December 27.

Thakur has said that in the last 3 years his government has taken many new initiatives like Jan Manch, CM helpline, Himcare, CM medical assistance fund, Sahara scheme for bedridden patients, Grihani Suidha Yojana and Mukhyamantri Swablambhan Yojana among many others that have benefitted most of the poor and downtrodden sections of society.

Thakur refuted allegations of the Congress leaders that no development was made in the state and said he dedicated over Rs 600 crore developmental projects in the assembly constituencies of former Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh, his son Vikrmaditya Singh and leader of opposition Mukesh Agnihotri. He has said that his aim is not to appease the opposition leaders, but to provide development benefits to people in the state without discrimination.

The government has ensured the development of the state on priority, with the active support of the NDA government at the Center led by Narendra Modi. He extended his gratitude for approval of AIIMS at Bilaspur, the opening of Atal Tunnel and clearing projects over 10,000 crore other projects for this hilly state he added.

Thakur has said that his government will focus on the completion of all projects initiated in his tenure, besides, vigorously pursuing the ongoing schemes and programs that have been lagged behind due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Thakur has further said that bulk drug parks and some other mega projects are expected to be allocated to the state that would generate employment opportunities to 15,000 people with an expected investment of Rs 10,000 crore and a turnover of Rs 70,000 crore.

Thakur stated, “I have stopped this negative political culture and have ensured equal development of all 68 assembly segments of the state.”

Commenting on the loans being taken by the BJP government, Thakur said that when his government assumed the charge in 2017, his government inherited a debt burden of Rs 48,000 crore and in this financial year itself his government is repaying the liabilities of previous regimes to the tune of Rs 7,870 crore. He has asked the Congress to tell people of the state what development it had ensured by taking such huge loans.

He made it clear that government was seeking loans as per need and necessity. He has said that during current financial year his government has taken loan of Rs 4,000 crore. The Chief Minister further said that during Covid-19 pandemic, state suffered huge revenue losses. He said that during the first quarter revenue loss was 54% that gradually decreased to 37% in second quarter and with opening of economic activities this loss further reduced to 11% in third quarter as of today and ridiculed the Congress for questioning the state government on COVID-19 pandemic irrespective of the fact that no government across the world equipped so fast to face such a massive epidemic. Thakur has said that Congress ruled Himachal Pradesh for 50 years equipped hospitals with only 60 ventilators, and now there 600 ventilators in the state were available in the hospitals.

Thakur asked if the Congress leaders of state have any formula to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, why they did not share in Congress-ruled states like Maharashtra and Punjab. Thakur has claimed despite loss of a year due to COVID-19 pandemic, the pace of development in this hilly state remains unmatched since formation of Himachal Pradesh.





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