Himachal Tonite

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New Excise Policy Framed To Favor Blue Eyed Boys?

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Shimla, March 24, Himachal Tonite Bureau  – The new Excise and Taxation Policy 2022-2023 announced by the government has created ripples as the majority of stakeholders feel cheated by the decision taken to favor a select few. Going against the norms, certain players already in the field are being given the edge and hence supporting the illegal export of liquor.

Small business hotel and bar owners are too feeling unnecessary burden as they are being taxed by the government as Rahul Dev Shamra, President of Bar Association shared, “We oppose the decision as we all have failed to recover from the damage of Covid period, yet there has been an increase in the License Fee amounting to Rs 18,000 to 50,000 which has affected both L4, L5 and L3, L4, L5 Licencees. We have requested several times to reduce the fine imposed for failing to meet the set liquor quota but no heed has been paid.”

On the other hand Gaurav Sharma, Spokesperson AAP feels that there is some vested interest of the current government considering the way the Policy has been framed and opposes the entire decision of the government.

“The Government has given foster child treatment to the small bar and restaurant owners. Instead of helping those out, they have simply added to their agony by adding such illegal means to promote their favorite dealers it seems. We want the government to reconsider their decision and provide relief, as a number of employees and other subsidiary services are dependent on such small businesses,” says Sanjay Chauhan, Leader CPIM.

It is pertinent to mention that the Bar Owners have repeatedly shared their concerns with the Policy Makers for the last four years, but no positive or corrective measures have been taken to help them. The attachment of Bars to nearest vends has only led to monopolistic practices and totally negates the concept of Fairplay. To add to their woes the quota system adds additional burden, which in turn, if not met as per the set requirement, heavy fines and penalties are imposed on the owners. The Bar Association Members are planning to meet the CM Jai Ram Thakur in Oak Over on March 26 to discuss and express their dissatisfaction against the Policy that has been announced.

The important question here is that are the policies made only to favor a few select business owners or does the government outweigh the pros and cons before imposing such harsh rules? Are Dharnas & Naaras the only way to टर्न the deaf ear on towards the demands? If so, then that gives some serious food for thought.

Finally, will the Bar Owners get some form of respite or as always will they be left high and dry? 

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