Literary session on “Unforgettables” organised at Shoolini University
2 min readSolan, November 4
A literary session was organised by the Belletristic Shoolini Literature Society. The title of the session was “The Unforgettables,” and it focused on literary pieces that “haunt.” The implication of “haunting” is that they are works or literary pieces that have not only withstood the test of time but are also those that remain in the memory forever. Different texts appeal to different tastes, and no two options are identical.
The key speaker of the session was Mr. Rajesh Williams, Assistant Prof. Chitrakoot School of Liberal Arts, at Shoolini University, who briefly dwelt on why we should read literature and why some poems haunt us. He read aloud a few verses of some of his favorite poems much to the delight of the audience. The selection included poems by TS Eliot, Theodore Roethke, W.B. Yeats, and others.
Hemant Sharma, Assistant Professor Chitrakoot School of Liberal Arts discussed the Shelleys’ “Cenci” and “Frankenstein,” Percy B. and Mary, concentrating on the darker side of life that the selected writings speak about.
Assistant Prof. Prakash Chand’s favorite turned out to be Gopal Das Neeraj’s work, which was greatly appreciated. Associate Prof. Dr. Purnima Bali recited her favorite Kamala Das poem.
Prof. Manju Jaidka, Chitrakoot School of Liberal Arts, recited “Sea Fever” by John Masefield, a poem that continues to fascinate her.
In his closing remarks, Prof Tejnath Dhar complimented all the speakers and encouraged the students to read more and define their interests. The session was attended by all Chitrakoot School of Liberal Arts students and faculty members.