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Importance of Science and Technology Emphasized in International Conference at APG Shimla University

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More than 100 foreign and Indian researchers and participants presented research papers in the conference

The importance of technology in our lives has never been more apparent than during theCOVID-19 pandemic. It is in this unprecedented time of our lives that we observe a rising demand for digital technology solutions as they are playing a crucial role in keeping global human society functional in this crisis of time when in-person contact is limited but everything is not a challenging time if humans use his virtue of knowledge to rend out all hard surges stand in the way of human progress. In the same theme on emergence of new world after COVID-19, Tradepreneur Global Academic Platform UK with APG Shimla University

organized online 5th international conference in collaboration with CT University Ludhiana and other foreign universities here on 26 to 28. Dr. Anil Paul Singh, the registrar of APG Shimla University, was the coordinator of this conference. Dr. Anil Paul Singh welcomed all the dignitaries, experts, professors, academicians and the participants to attend this fruitful conference on new knowledge way to the solutions of the present world humanity. In the conference, the students, teachers of APG Shimla University, Venkateshwara Open Universities, CT University Ludhiana and many foreign university students and professors, vice-chancellors, dean participated. This conference provided a platform to address, exhibit and explore the knowledge of science technology and management. It provided a unique opportunity to meet and discuss with industry experts, academician experts, researchers, engineering, management and science students in their field of expertise to grope the solutions of every problem caused by corona pandemic in human life. In opening session of the conference, eminent speakers from Germany, Greece, Australia, US, Turkey and India from various universities’ professors, deans and vice-chancellors shared their experience and views how after covid-19 the world is reopening with new technologies. Registrar Dr. Anil Paul Singh told that more than hundred research papers presented by foreign and Indian researchers from various universities of the foreign country and India.

Prof. Dr. Ramesh Chauhan, the Vice-chancellor of APG Shimla University, addressed the participants, students and teachers and said there are plethora applications of technology and science can help to scale-up the challenges of present time as these are helpful in fighting the impact of corona but awareness innovations and positivity are needed to make life normal and progressive. Prof. Chauhan said- one thing I have learned in life that you can never bring somebody up, if they do not want to go up. If they want to go up, no matter how good you think you are. Dr. Chauhan addressed all the participants that no matter how much you want to tell, if they do not want to go up, there is nothing you can do. Somebody bad could bring a good person down because the negativity in the world is much stronger than positive sometimes, and the negative people can bring you down. Dr. Chauhan said that away from negative people if you want progress in life. During the conference session, Prof. Dr. RK Choudhary, the vice-chancellor of Venkateshwara Open University, addressed all the participants that science and technology cannot only help with the present but also bring the future closer hence technology is undeniably important in human lives to deracinate all obstacles in the way of human development if science and technology is used in the right direction of all human development including education industry, business, human resources and employment.


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