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“Himachal Healthcare Crisis: Himcare Scheme Payments Halted, Needy Patients Suffer: BJP Spokesperson”

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In Himachal Pradesh, healthcare services have deteriorated drastically, with outbreaks of diarrhea reported in several areas.

The BJP spokesperson has criticized the state government, particularly regarding mismanagement, healthcare services, and the suspension of payments under the Himcare scheme.

HAMIIRPUR, April 26, 2024

Mahendar Dharmani, spokesperson for the state BJP and in-charge of the Hamirpur constituency, has sharply questioned the Chief Minister over the suspension of payments under the Himcare scheme, alleging that while on one hand, the Chief Minister claims to understand the needs of the common people and is bringing about administrative reforms, on the other hand, the suspension of payments under the Himcare scheme has halted the treatment of needy patients in the state. Healthcare facilities in the state have deteriorated significantly.

Dharmani stated that under the Himcare scheme, 278 hospitals are registered in the state, with over 4.85 lakh people treated in the last three years alone. Additionally, 78,365 new cards were issued by November 2023. However, with the suspension of this scheme, healthcare facilities in Himachal Pradesh have become inaccessible to the poor.

He further explained that healthcare services in government hospitals are severely impacted, with the Indira Gandhi Medical College (IGMC) facing particularly dire circumstances. Patients are no longer receiving treatment under the Himcare scheme, and even for routine procedures, they are now forced to gather funds ranging from 2 to 4 lakh rupees. The backlog of Himcare card distribution has exacerbated the situation.

Dharmani emphasized that the suspension of free treatment under the Himcare scheme has adversely affected poor patients in need of medical care. He also highlighted the financial strains on hospitals, with IGMC alone having a pending due of over 70 crores under the Himcare scheme.

Moreover, Dharmani condemned the government’s failure to address the diarrhea outbreak, particularly in the Touni Devi region, where cases have surpassed 82, with the affected population crossing 350. This situation mirrors a similar crisis faced in Solan last year. Dharmani questioned the government’s apathy towards these pressing issues and criticized its limited response.

The lack of doctors in healthcare institutions and the cessation of free treatment have exposed the government’s negligence. Dharmani concluded by asserting that the government seems indifferent to the plight of the common people, prioritizing power and self-interest over public welfare.

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