Himachal Tonite

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Congress Slams BJP’s Claims of Forming Government After June 4th

1 min read

Shimla, April 24: Sanjay Awasthi, the Pradesh Congress Executive President and Chief Parliamentary Secretary, has dismissed BJP’s assertions of forming a government in Himachal Pradesh after June 4th as mere wishful thinking. He stated that the BJP’s dreams are as unrealistic as those of ‘Mungerilal’, referring to a fictional character known for his daydreaming.

Awasthi outright rejected the claims made by Harsh Mahajan, who suggested that some Congress leaders in the state were contemplating joining the BJP. He emphasized that the BJP could not buy any Congress leader with its financial might, especially those who betrayed the party, as the people of the state would never forgive them.

Regarding the stability of the current government led by Thakur Sukhwinder Singh, Awasthi asserted that it remains strong and stable. He affirmed that Congress still holds a complete majority, and after June 4th, Congress would have a majority figure of over 40. He predicted that BJP would have to face a decisive defeat in the upcoming by-elections for six assembly seats.

Awasthi criticized BJP’s unsuccessful attempts to destabilize the government through a conspiracy. He argued that BJP’s efforts to purchase six Congress MLAs were a disrespect to democracy. Such actions tarnished the state’s honest image, and the people would never accept it. He warned that BJP would have to bear the consequences of its dishonesty, as Himachal Pradesh is known for its integrity, and BJP’s actions would not go unnoticed.

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