Industrial Skill Development Allowance to Youth
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Chamba, 30 October –
District Employment Officer Arvind Singh Chauhan informed that the youth who are doing skill upgradation in various industrial establishments will be given skill development allowance under the Industrial Skill Development Allowance Scheme – 2018.
Under this scheme, the same young characters will be working as apprentice trainees in the industrial establishment. The scheme will benefit only permanent residents of Himachal Pradesh who are registered in any employment office in the state. Applicants must be between 18 and 36 years of age to be eligible for the scheme.
If the employer has given him free residence facility, then in such a case he will not be eligible for the benefit of the scheme. A person who has been in jail for 48 hours or more for the punishment of a crime will also be ineligible.
For detailed information related to the scheme, youth can contact the District Employment Officer office and also their respective employment office. A copy of the guidelines issued by the government regarding the eligibility of the Industrial Skill Development Allowance Scheme has also been sent to the all Block Development Officer Offices so that complete information can be attained by the targeted people for maximum advantage.