Infertility problem can become the cause of depression; Know the ways to avoid it – Chanchal Sharma
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Nowadays, the problem of infertility has increased at the global level, in which India is also at the top. Whatever may be the reasons behind it, it is enough to destroy a couple’s married life. This defect is found equally in both men and women, hence it would be very wrong to blame anyone and without getting tested, you cannot reach any conclusion. The structure of Indian society is such that the importance of family is very high and it is considered complete only when you have a child, hence in the condition of not having children, parents become victims of depression due to social pressure and mental torture. Are.
Dr. Chanchal Sharma, Director of Asha Ayurveda and Infertility Expert, says that most of the couples who come to her for infertility treatment are those who have not conceived even after several attempts and their tolerance decreases with the passage of time. Due to which stress increases and there is a possibility of reaching depression. Along with medicines, to get out of this situation, support from family members and some changes in lifestyle are also required, about which we will learn here.
Talk to your partner: The problem of infertility can affect anyone, male or female. Since this is a process that requires equal participation from both, you should discuss all the issues related to it among yourself. When both the partners discuss such a sensitive issue together and reach a decision, then mutual tension is reduced and you are able to take the right decision.
Talk to your relatives: If someone in your family or neighborhood has previously undergone infertility treatment, then talk to them and try to know their experience, it will prove helpful for you. Such people can give you right suggestions and can understand your situation very well due to their experience. By talking to them, your heart will become lighter and your stress will also reduce.
Do meditation: People’s mental health gets affected due to suffering from the problem of infertility for a long time. To avoid this, you can do regular meditation, this will reduce your stress and your mental state will become so strong that you can handle yourself.
Do regular exercise: The problem of infertility can also be due to your being physically unfit, hence you need to maintain a balanced weight. Exercising regularly can prove to be very helpful, which not only keeps your physical but also your mental health good.
Consult an expert: In the modern era, where new diseases have emerged due to the increasing pace of people’s lives, medical science has also progressed a lot, so now you do not need to worry too much because from allopathy to ayurvedic. Treatment for problems like infertility is available. While in allopathy you can become a mother with the help of new techniques like IVF, you can also conceive naturally with the help of diet and therapy through Ayurvedic treatment.
Infertility is not a disease but a defect which can be treated, so without any stress and hesitation, you can consult any good doctor located near you who will give you the correct information related to it and will take care of you during the treatment process. . Keep in mind that stress is not the solution to any problem, rather it can make the situation worse, so maintain mutual support in this difficult situation.