Mission To Draw Foreign Students For Studying In India
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Delhi, July 27 – Ministry of Education (MOE) launched Study in India Programme on 18.04.2018 with the aim of attracting foreign students to Indian higher educational institutions (HEIs) through systematic brand building, marketing, social media and digital marketing campaigns. The programme involves partnership with 160 plus select Indian institutes/universities (based on NIRF Ranking and NAAC grading). A centralized admission web-portal (https://studyinindia.gov.in) acts as a single window for the admission of foreign students under Study in India. An examination named PRAGATII (Performance Rating of Applicants through Global Aptitude Test for Indian Institutions) is conducted to offer Study in India Scholarships to meritorious students. Though students from all over the world can apply under this flagship programme, the focus is on 48 target countries across South-East Asia, Middle East and Africa.
Study in India has been reaching out to international students through Indian missions abroad and with extensive brand building exercise through Newspapers, Radio, Facebook, Instagram, Google Display & Search Network, Twitter, Emailers, WhatsApp, telegram etc.