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Indian National Security by Virtue of Advanced Technologies: Need Of Hour

5 min read

The security of the nation is first. The security of the nation and its help require now modern technologies to protect the nation from all types of challenges as modern nations cannot be protected by traditional ways of defense because modern technologies have changed the ways and functions of defending a nation from calamities, natural calamities, cyber attack, militant attacks, intruders and invading by the foes. Present nations are requiring modern technologies of defense to secure the sovereignty of their nation, land and masses but poor nations have not such defensive technologies resulting in perils of militant attacks, cross-border terrorism, face the wrath of natural calamities and waging war by the foes. Earlier, India fought many battles against the foes like Pakistan and China and today India is struggling with these permanent enemies of India and Indian Army in different forms of battles like intruding, militant attacks on masses and defense personnel. The enemy is also using modern ways of defensive modern technologies to rend out its target. The time of guns has gone now as enemy is becoming stronger and using modern defensive technologies to demean its counterpart’s nations and enemy. In the context of India, India needs more digital defense to safeguard its digital boundaries against digital enemies, and for this achievement India must maintain its safeguard against digital enemies and put in place a high-level Artificial Intelligence Security system along with other digital security mechanisms to protect its boundaries against the foes and terrorism. The security of the nation is the biggest challenge of the 21st century which must be addressed by modern defensive technologies as every nation of the world is facing the different forms of digital attacks by their foes. After the American World Trade Center (WTC) terrorism attack and 2008 Mumbai terrorist attack made the world aware about the menace of terrorism and unfortunately many nations are still living under the terrors of terrorism. Also, many nations like Pakistan are running their terrorism shops and motivating the terrorist organizations to continue working on this path by using more heinous ways to spread terror in many other parts of the world. These terrorism organizations are using modern digital technologies to assault the nations for their self-interests.

To seize opportunities and meet the challenges of the modern terrorism and post cold war, the one strategy which states across the globe have been found bestowing upon is that of the investments in technologies. The technologies are necessary and essential because such investment in technologies have paid dividends and are slated to offer solutions to many challenges, if not all. Few nations like America, Israel have developed a comprehensive approach to putting science and technology to the services of national security and global stability. Any nation’s security rests on three pillars- the readiness and capabilities of military forces, their engagement with other nations to prevent conflicts, disputes occurring, and the strengths of their economy. Strategy of many nations developed and few developing nations are grounded in the conviction that advances in science and technologies are a vital part of the solution to many of the problems that world is facing today.

In modern age of science and technology, various modern tools of war fighting are driven by technology and that make technology a crucial theme in the study of national, international security studies and defense studies as well. Presently, many emerging technologies are being experienced which have major relevance for military purposes. Indian defense system requires much science and defense technologies as it is the demand of the nation and changing behaviour of modern strategy of war and attacks. Modern days wars are not always envisaged to be fought only on the battleground but from own land sitting in a room. However, India experienced such bide of surgical strike against Pakistani based terrorists groups across the border but it is not suffice still in advanced defense technology of India. For achieving prowess in advanced science and technology, Indian defense system needs more trained defense personnel and soldiers to deal with the foes easily. The geographical conditions of India are also a major factor to affect Indian defense system. So India needs plethora of advanced technologies in each field, in each position of dangers and in borders in all environments and hard geographical challenges in order to reduce or ignore the dangers from the outside and befitting the enemy immediately. Computers and Internet could be said to be the realization by the global powers in regard to blind investments into weaponry or technology but India needs to go ahead above the computer technology to learn advanced technology in each field including defense and civilian pursuits for the advancement of India. Support defense matters in technologies in terms of providing the software support but it also involves making the existing hardware more stealthy, more users friendly and more lethal.

There are various types of digital attacks and security software in which our Indian defense system should go getters like other developed nations in advanced technology and digital technology together. There are most popular digital attacks used by advanced nations such as Denial-of-Service (DoS), and Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, Phishing and Spear-Phishing attacks, Man-in-the middle attack, Drive- by- attack, Password attack, SQL injection attack, Cross-site Scripting attack, Eavesdropping attack, etc. These   cyber-attacks are nothing less than terrorist attacks on servers and computers which may potentially impact millions of people in one attack. Where India stands in software as software is not a different story. As per research reports, there are sixty nine percent of Indian companies faces cyber attacks. In India, people including our defense system use mostly the Microsoft Windows operating system on computers. On the hand, foreign-controlled companies owned closed-source software also pose a big security threats. E-mail security is an area that Indian masses and Indian defense system need to address it. Here, not using emails is not the way out but what is important is ensure that the emails sent to customers, colleagues, vendors, etc. are as secure as possible; the same require in our defense system as well. Putting this matter simply that there is an urgent need to start thinking about Secured India along with Digital India, however, in this direction government of India and defense ministry is striving best but needs expeditiously actions to do successfully as advanced technologies take the nation to advanced progress and security as well.

No doubt, various innovations in the recent past in Indian technology fields and defense system have been made to make the basic hardware and support communications have helped armed forces and other defense services, other infrastructure faster, securer and dependable but there is still imperfections which needed to improve and shaping in advanced technology including nano-technology to blight the terrorism and trounce the enemy of the nation.

Assistant prof. Pyar Singh


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