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Nand Lal Sharma, Chairman & Managing Director, SJVN Conferred with PSU Award of The Year-2020

1 min read

Dalal Street Investment Journal (DSIJ) conferred PSU Award of the Year 2020 to Nand Lal Sharma, Chairman & Managing Director, SJVN. The award was conferred in recognition of the outstanding contribution made by Sh. Sharma to make SJVN most efficient & profitable Mini Ratna Company of the year 2020.

Nand Lal Sharma is heading SJVN Limited as Chairman & Managing Director, a Schedule A, Mini Ratna Public Sector Enterprise. Under his dynamic leadership SJVN has emerged as a major player in the Power Sector in India and neighboring countries. SJVN currently is constructing seven (7) Power Projects with capacity of around 3300 MW in India, Nepal & Bhutan. His persistent and unrelenting efforts have resulted in allocation of more than 10 Power Projects in India & Abroad in the last two years. SJVN has set ambitious targets of becoming a 5000 MW company by 2023, 12000 MW company by 2030 and 25000 MW company by 2040.

SJVN is going to invest Rs 30,000 crores in next five years and Rs 60,000 crores in next ten years in various projects in India & abroad. This will result in employment generation, infrastructure development and socio-economic growth.

SJVN’s present installed capacity is 2016.51 MW with a portfolio of around 9000 MW, having presence in various sectors of energy generation which includes Hydro, Wind, Solar & Thermal. The company also has a presence in the field of Energy Transmission.
Established in 1986, the Dalal Street Investment Journal (DSIJ) is India’s No 1 equity research and capital investment magazine which caters to the needs of its reader-investors.

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