Delhi, March 23 - Government has transformed India from power deficit in 2013 to power surplus. The installed generation capacity...
National News
Secretary, Department of Science & Technology, Prof Ashutosh Sharma, emphasised the necessity to scale up the S&T relationship between India...
‘PradhanMantriBhartiyaJanaushadhiPariyojana’ (PMBJP) was launched by the Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Government of India under which quality...
New Delhi, Mar 15 - The government is planning to form an Export Promotion Council to advance the growth and...
Delhi, March 15 - The ancient site of Rakhi-Khas and Rakhi-Shahpur are collectively known as Rakhigarhi, located on the right...
Delhi, March 15 - The full immunization coverage stands at 92.8%, as per HMIS data from April 2019 to March...
ऊना (15 मार्च)- हरोली विधानसभा क्षेत्र के बाथड़ी में आयोजित कार्यक्रम में उद्योग, परिवहन, श्रम एवं रोजगार मंत्री बिक्रम सिंह...
Delhi, Feb. 27 - Certain misgivings are being raised regarding Rule 16 under Part III of the rules which mention...
Delhi, Feb. 19 - Reform linked additional borrowing permissions are stimulating reforms in Power Sector in the states. As a part...
Project to enable transfer of 2,000 MW of additional power to Kerala Delhi, Feb. 19 - The Prime Minister, Shri...