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Vaccine Shortage forces Delhi to Shuts 100 Covaxin-Vaccination Centres

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Delhi, May 12 – Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia said 100 centres in 17 Delhi Government Schools which administered Covaxin have been forced to shut down due to massive shortage of the vaccine here today.

While addressing a digital press conference, Sisodia said that the attempt to procure vaccines for Delhi by Covaxin have been unsuccessful, procurement will not be possible without permission of Central Government. As a result of the massive shortage, 100 centres which administered Covaxin have been forced to shut down.

He also appealed to the Central Government to take cognizance of the shortage of vaccines and increase supply of vaccines to Delhi. Sisodia requested Central Government to pass a global tender to procure vaccines and share the formula of COVID-19 vaccine with more pharmaceutical companies, to expedite the process of manufacturing vaccines.

Presenting the documents shared by Covaxin manufacturers Bharat Biotech in the press conference, Sisodia said that Covaxin declined sending vaccine doses to Delhi Government on the basis that permission and guidance of Central Government would be required if Delhi Government needs to procure Covaxin doses.

He further said, ‘This document has made it crystal clear that the Central Government decides which State will receive how much vaccine. If the Central Government has the final say in distribution of vaccine to States, then it plays a key role in ensuring that demands of all States, with regard to vaccine requirement, are taken into account instead of being overlooked. Because there is massive scarcity of vaccines at present in Delhi, we have had to shut more than 100 centres in 17 Delhi Government Schools where Covaxin was being administered. This persistent shortage of vaccine may lead to further worsening of the crisis.’

The Delhi Deputy Chief Minister shared that Delhi Government had given an order of procuring 1.34 crore vaccine doses for citizens between 18-45 years, including 67 lakh Covaxin doses.

Further, Sisodia also expressed that the need of the hour is for Central Government to pass a global tender to procure vaccines instead of asking individual states to pass tenders for vaccines.

He also said that although States are willing to pass tenders if the need arises, it is important for the world to see India as one entity instead of a divided nation-state. After all, it is the responsibility of the Central Government to ensure availability of vaccine to all states while States make sure that all citizens are vaccinated in a swift manner, within 3 months after receiving vaccine from Central Government.

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