Winter School on Arthaayaama: Towards a Dharma- centric Vision of Economy/Political Economy with Special Reference to Gandhi and Other Indian Thinkers
1 min readShimla, Dec 1 – Indian Institute of Advanced Study is organising the Winter School on Arthaayaama: Towards a Dharma- centric Vision of Economy/ Political Economy with Special Reference to Gandhi and Other Indian Thinkers from 1st to 15 December 2021. At the inaugural session eminent Philosopher Professor Ambikadutt Sharma delivered his lecture on Santana Gandhi: Towards An Advaitic vision of society. Prof Sharma Characterized Gandhi as a quintessentially, Sanatani Indian Thinker whose ideas of truth, truth Force ¼lR;kxzg½ ahimsa, Swadeshi Swaraj and Sarvodaya quoting extensively From Vishnu Purana, Valmiki Ramayana, Mahabharata, the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishadas. He highlighted how Gandhi experimented with or practised the dharma –centric eternal values in the Field of politics and social work. He added that Gandhi’s moral economy is grounded in the political economy and vice-versa.
Professor Sudhir Kumar, the Coordinator expressed his profound gratitude to Professor Kapil Kapoor, the Chairman and Professor Chaman Lal Gupta the Director of IIAS for their Guidance, inspiration and Support. Dr Balram Shukla, fellow at IIAS thanked the participants and the administrative officials of the IIAS for their constant support and Cooperation