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Vigorous efforts to control the Lumpy Skin Disease in the State

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Shimla, Sept. 23 – A spokesman of the Animal Husbandry Department said here today that information was being made available regularly through newspapers, awareness camps, posters and pamphlets and other mediums to make livestock breeders and owners aware about the Lumpy skin disease which is spreading among cows in the state. So far, 650 awareness camps have been organized and information about this disease has been provided to 27,500 farmers.

He said that the situation was being closely monitored by the Animal Husbandry Department and review meetings are being held continuously at various levels. Teams of departmental officers and employees have been formed in all the affected districts, who are providing immediate treatment to the sick animals. The Assistant Director, Project of each district has been appointed as the nodal officer at the district level. A task force and a war room have also been set up at the directorate level, whose phone number is 0177-2650938.

He said that 87,645 animals have been found suffering from this disease till 22nd September, 2022 in nine districts of the state. Deaths of 5019 cows have been recorded and so far 45,425 animals have been cured of this disease. He said that the infection rate of this disease in the state was 3.65 percent and the death rate is close to 5 percent. The total number of animals vulnerable to this disease in the state is 24,00,638.

He said that disease resistant vaccination was being done within a radius of 5 km around the affected areas and so far 2,37,748 cows have been vaccinated. Adequate medicines are available in all the districts for the treatment of sick animals. He said that all the district officers of the department have been instructed to maintain constant contact with the concerned Deputy Commissioners regarding the treatment, vaccination and prevention etc. of Lumpy skin disease. He said that insecticides were being sprayed through the local bodies for the control of flies and mosquitoes at various places.

He said that daily information about this disease from all the districts was being collected and sent to the Government of India. Details related to disease related vaccination, death and infection rate etc. are also being made available daily on the dash board created on the website of the department.

The notification of lumpy skin disease has been issued by the State Government on 18th August,  2022 in the entire state. As a result of this notification, the Deputy Commissioners of all the districts have been declared as authorized officers.

He said that the State Disaster Management Authority has also taken up the matter with the Central Government to declare this disease as an epidemic so that the owners of the dead animals can be compensated.

The Central Government team visited district Bilaspur on 12th September  and district Una on 13th September, 2022  to take stock of the disease in the state. The team appreciated the efforts made by the Animal Husbandry Department for the control of Lumpy skin disease.

He said that the transfers of all technical officers and employees of the department had been banned till the Lumpy skin disease was eradicated in the state.

Lumpy skin disease spreading in cows is a contagious disease. This viral disease spreads through contact with infected animals and bites by flies and mosquitoes to healthy animals after they bite infected animals.

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