This Year, 13,861 Orchardists Insured 669,000 Trees in Shimla District
1 min read
A meeting regarding the implementation of the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) and the Restructured Weather-Based Crop Insurance Scheme (RWBCIS) was held today under the chairmanship of Shimla Deputy Commissioner Anupam Kashyap. Officials from the Horticulture and Agriculture Departments, along with representatives from insurance companies, attended the meeting.
During the meeting, the insurance coverage for crops in Shimla district was discussed in detail. Six crops, including apples, mangoes, peaches, pomegranates, citrus fruits, and plums, are covered under the scheme. This year, 13,861 orchardists in Shimla district have insured 669,000 trees.
The Deputy Commissioner emphasized the need to increase the number of insured farmers annually so they can benefit from the scheme. He also directed insurance companies to settle claims for crop losses due to weather anomalies promptly.
The meeting also highlighted that the RWBCIS compensates farmers for potential crop damage caused by weather extremes, including temperature fluctuations, rainfall, high wind speeds, and hailstorms.