Himachal Tonite

Go Beyond News

The Journey is often (the best) part of the Destination

3 min read
Shimla, Feb 23, 2025

We are often so conditioned to believe in accomplishment upon having arrived at the destination that we forget to acknowledge the journey, which is where we actually spent the major part of our time and efforts.

I have to remind myself of this at times when I get really excited about a goal and fret to arrive faster than the blink-of-an-eye.

Desires are given to us to excite our Soul and we forget that a lot of the excitement lies not only in the anticipation, but also in the execution, in the moving towards…

We are so concentrated upon the reaching that we forget the stages of travel which caused us grow and become that which we need to, to enable us to enjoy responsibly the final destination.

What? What was that complicated roundabout spin of words?

Let me strive, despite myself, to explain myself better.

Our goals and destinations are arrival points which will provide us with great satisfaction only if and only when, we have genuinely travelled through and conquered and overcome the obstacle ridden path that leads to it. These are termed as something really precious called Experience!

We are able to savour victory only after having truly won it. Otherwise, it is empty and devoid of satisfaction.

We crave the Reaching, we crave the destination, wanting to project ourselves into the future so that we me enjoy it, forgetting the now, the only moment that is actually within our grasp and ours to enjoy fully. The past is gone, and we truly have no idea or what the future may or may not bring. We can propel ourselves into that future through our imagination, we can live it with pleasure and use it as fuel to drive us, but we still need to go through the journey to reach it.

Each moment of the journey while we are at it is ours. It is the absolute, complete, full expression of our life. We need to learn how to anchor ourselves into the present and appreciate it.

Our full presence must be showered on the present moment, our awareness immersed in it, experiencing it in full vibrant technicolour and digital surround Dolby sound or whatever the current Standard is!

Each step, every mile takes from us and we must learn to take from it, to make the most of it as we are bestowing upon it, precious time from that which has been accorded to us on this planet.

Think about the destination, yes, by all means look forward to achieving amazing things as you progress, but remember to keep your eyes and your attention on the road. Take in the panorama, enjoy the pit stops, congratulate yourself upon having made it so far without untoward incidents, and keep going, taking note of each interesting milestone as you pass it by. It is your life, every bit of it.

Celebrate the journey. It forges you to become deserving of reaching the destination!

– Tina Saxena (mindfulness practitioner and life-design coach)

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