Himachal Tonite

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Thakur Demands Apology from Gandhi Family

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Shimla: Former Chief Minister and Leader of the Opposition Jayaram Thakur has accused the Congress of consistently disrespecting Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, asserting that such behavior is ingrained in the policies and legacy of the Nehru-Gandhi family. He stated that the Congress has a long history of undermining Dr. Ambedkar, both before and after independence. Thakur highlighted instances where Dr. Ambedkar was marginalized by the Congress, such as being denied key roles, obstructed in completing the Hindu Code Bill, and denied the Bharat Ratna during their tenure.

Thakur further alleged that Congress suppressed Dr. Ambedkar’s resignation letter, which criticized Nehru’s governance. He called for the Congress and its leaders, especially the Gandhi family, to apologize unconditionally to the nation for their actions against Dr. Ambedkar.

He praised the BJP-led governments for honoring Dr. Ambedkar’s legacy by establishing memorials and initiatives like the “Panch Teerth.” He also criticized the Congress for prioritizing its leaders over national icons like Dr. Ambedkar.

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