Himachal Tonite

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SJVN obtains Concurrences of DPRs of 3777 MW Hydro Projects in Arunachal Pradesh from CEA

2 min read

SHIMLA: 10.11.2023

Nand Lal Sharma, Chairman & Managing Director, SJVN informed that Central Electricity Authority (CEA), Ministry of Power, Government of India has transferred concurrences of DPRs of 3097 MW Etalin HEP & 680 MW Attunli HEP in favour of SJVN. CEA has also extended the validity of said concurrences.

Sharma further told that CEA earlier accorded concurrences in favour of M/s Etalin Hydro Electric Company Limited & M/s Attunli Hydro Electric Company Limited. The project cost of Etalin HEP at March 2022 price level is Rs. 32,813 crores, while for Attunli HEP it is Rs. 6,866 crore.

Nand Lal Sharma apprised that SJVN has been allotted run of the river scheme hydro projects namely 3097 MW Etalin, 680 MW Attunli, 500 MW Emini, 420 MW Amulin and 400 MW Mihumdon. He added that 3097 MW Etalin HEP is the largest hydro project under development in India. Earlier, all these projects were allotted to the private developers. The Government of Arunachal Pradesh reallocated the projects to SJVN as the private developers were unable to execute the projects.

Sharma told that in the august presence of Hon’ble Union Power Minister Sh. R.K Singh and Hon’ble Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh Sh. Pema Khandu, a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) was signed between SJVN and Government of Arunachal Pradesh for executing these five hydro power projects in the Month of August 2023.

He further told that DPR of these projects are under the process of revalidation from CEA, while most of the statutory clearances are in place. On commissioning 3097 MW Etalin HEP will generate 12,752 Million Units of electricity while 680 MW Etalin HEP will generate 2,814 Million Units. While the levelized tariff from both the projects is Rs. 4.51 per unit.

Nand Lal Sharma stated that construction of these two projects shall involve total investment of around Rs 40,000 crores. The projects on completion would usher in an era of overall socio-economic development in the state of Arunachal Pradesh by strengthening infrastructure such as roads & bridges, community assets, health care services, women empowerment, skill development & education, generating multiple avenues of employment, sustainable development etc along with added benefits to Project Associated Families.

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