Himachal Tonite

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Shimla Smart City: Where Smart Heads Fail to See Trash at their Doorstep

2 min read

Shimla, April 15 Ritanjali Hastir

Prioritize People Over Politics — Guardians of Smart City, Shimla Heading to Drains

Shimla, known for its scenic beauty and rich history, has been striving to become a Smart City under the ambitious plans of the Himachal Pradesh State Government. However, the recent sight of plastic bottles dumped in drains right outside the Gaiety Theater in the Ridge area paints a starkly different picture.

Despite being just 100 meters away from the office of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, the trash has been piling up since the winter carnival, and there seems to be no initiative to clean it up. Even after the repair of pavement stones, the trash remains untouched, serving as a reminder of the apathy towards basic cleanliness.

What good is the concept of a Smart City when the authorities turn a blind eye to such glaring issues? The historic Ridge area, frequented by ministers, the Chief Minister, the Governor, bureaucrats, and commoners alike, is marred by neglect and indifference.

Plastic bottles, despite being banned long ago, continue to litter the drains, telling a tale of governmental inefficiency and disregard for environmental concerns. It begs the question: what exactly are the authorities basking in the glory of when they cannot even ensure basic cleanliness in the heart of the city?

The blame for this sorry state of affairs falls squarely on all authorities responsible for the maintenance and cleanliness of the city. Their policies, touted as visionary and progressive, have failed to address the most fundamental issues. Instead of sweeping the Ridge area with water, reminiscent of colonial times, the authorities seem content with superficial gestures that serve as mere eye-wash.

Perhaps it’s time for the government to trade in their rose-tinted glasses for a pair that helps them see reality. Because while they’re busy patting themselves on the back for their “SMART” initiatives, the rest of us are left wondering if they’ve mistaken trash for treasure.

Let’s clean up our act, Shimla. It’s time to stop sweeping our problems under the rug and start tackling them head-on. After all, a truly Smart City isn’t judged by the glitter of its buildings, but by the cleanliness of its streets and the well-being of its citizens.

It’s high time for the Government to acknowledge its failures and take concrete steps toward fulfilling its promises of making Shimla a truly Smart City. The residents deserve better than to live amidst filth and neglect while the authorities turn a blind eye to their plight. It’s time to “Prioritize People Over Politics” and ensure that the beauty of Shimla is preserved for generations to come.

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