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Order Issued to Ban Activities Near Rivers and Streams in Solan

1 min read

Solan: District Magistrate Manmohan Sharma has issued essential orders prohibiting the public from visiting and engaging in various activities near rivers and streams for their safety. According to these orders, unauthorized tourism and commercial activities are entirely banned along the banks and surrounding areas of Ashwani Khad and near the Shani Temple on the banks of the Giri River at Giripul in the revenue village of Ser Baneda in Solan tehsil.

The orders explicitly prohibit bathing in Ashwani Khad and Giri River, as well as holding picnics along their banks. The directive emphasizes that during the monsoon season, heavy rainfall can make visiting riverbanks dangerous. Often, tourists venture into rivers and streams to bathe, which poses a significant risk as a sudden rise in water levels can endanger their lives.

The local police have been instructed to work in active coordination with the District Tourism Officer to ensure these directives are strictly enforced. These orders are effective immediately and will remain in effect for the next two months. Legal action will be taken against those who violate these orders.

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