Living in World of Frequency: Aligning Yourself with Your Desires
10 min read
You know how sometimes you just click with someone instantly? Or you walk into a room and immediately feel at ease — or on edge? That my friend, is frequency at work!
We live in a world of frequency.
Everything around us, including our thoughts and feelings, vibrates at different frequencies. This idea might sound strange at first, but today, it is backed and documented through wide research in science. Furthermore, it has always been stated by various traditions of ancient wisdom.
We are all tuned to different channels, vibrating at our own unique rhythms. And here is the secret — these vibes affect everything in our lives, from the people we attract to the opportunities that come our way and the quality of our life.
So here is the million-dollar question: Are you vibing with what you really want?
Think about it. Carefully.
When was the last time you felt truly in sync with your goals? It is like when your favorite song comes on and suddenly you are nodding along, feeling the beat in your bones. That dear baby, is pure alignment!
But let us be real — staying on that frequency all the time ain’t easy at all. I know from personal experience. Life has a way of throwing us off beat. One minute you are grooving, the next you are tripping over your own feet. That truly does not matter as long as you go with the right attitude.
Understanding Frequency
To understand frequency in our lives, let us start with a simple example. Think about a radio. When you want to listen to a specific station, you have to tune the radio to the right frequency. If you are not on the correct frequency, you will hear static or the wrong station. Our lives work in a very similar manner.
Everything in the universe is energy vibrating at different frequencies. This includes physical objects, thoughts, emotions, and even our goals and desires. When we talk about being in alignment, we are talking about matching our personal frequency with the frequency of what we want to achieve or experience.
Albert Einstein once said, “Everything in life is vibration.” This tells us that frequency is not a new-age concept, but a fundamental aspect of our reality.
Once again, are You in Alignment with What You Want?
To answer this well, you need to look at different areas of your life and reflect.
1. Your thoughts: What do you think about most often? Are your thoughts positive and supportive of your goals, or are they negative and holding you back?
2. Your feelings: How do you feel most of the time? Are you generally happy and excited, or stressed and worried?
3. Your actions: What do you do each day? Do your actions move you closer to your goals, or do they keep you stuck where you are? Habits are actions that you repeat and they form the basis of your life!
4. Your environment: Do your surroundings support your goals? This includes your home, workplace, and interestingly enough also the people around you.
We often do not realize how much our environment shapes us. It is not just about the physical space we inhabit, but also the people we surround ourselves with and the media we consume. These factors are constantly influencing our thoughts and behaviours, even when we are not actively aware of them.
Consider your daily routine. Are you filling your time with activities that align with your goals? It is easy to fall into habits that do not serve our higher purposes. Perhaps you are spending hours scrolling through social media when you could be learning a new skill or connecting with like-minded individuals.
Change is a gradual process requiring consistent effort and self-reflection and certainly does not happen overnight. Learn not to be too hard on yourself if you find that you are not perfectly aligned with your desires. The important thing is to remain aware, catch yourself and make small adjustments as you go.
Changing our deeply ingrained habits is no walk in the park. Most of us know the feeling — we set big goals, get excited, and then life happens. Before we know it, we are back in our old routines, wondering where our motivation went.
But here is some food for thought; what if we stopped thinking of change as this massive, overnight transformation? Instead, we take baby steps and picture it as a series of tiny shifts.
Each day, you make one small choice that aligns more closely with your aspirations. It could be as simple as swapping out your usual afternoon snack for something healthier or spending ten minutes reading about a topic that fascinates you.
These small actions might seem insignificant in the moment, yet over time, they add up, like a drop of water scuplting rock in the long run! It is like compound interest for your personal growth. You might not notice the changes day to day, but look back after a few months, and you will be pleasantly surprised at how far you have come.
The key is consistency, not perfection.
Some days will be easier than others. There will be setbacks — that is just part of being human. The goal is not to berate yourself for these slip-ups, but to acknowledge them and then refocus on your path. Know that those slip-ups don’t define you. They’re just… moments, little blips on the radar. What really counts is what you do next and your overall direction. Are you, in general, moving towards the life you envision for yourself? If so, give yourself credit for that progress.
We all mess up as part of the deal. Some days you will nail it to perfection, sticking to your plan like glue and on other days you might find yourself elbow-deep in a pint of ice cream, wondering where your willpower went.
Your attitude counts.
Do you spiral into a pit of self-loathing? Or do you shrug it off and get back on track?
It is not about being perfect. And to be honest, perfect is boring anyway. Be raw and real with yourself. So you ate the ice cream. Okay. What now? Maybe, you go for a walk or make a decision that tomorrow you will meal prep some healthy lunches and schedule that in.
You take a series of small steps in the right direction.
Don’t let a bad moment turn into a bad week or a bad month. Just dust yourself off and keep moving. That is where the real growth happens — not in never falling, but in how you pick yourself back up.
So next time you “mess up,” try this – Take a breath. Look at where you are. Then decide on your next step. That’s it. No drama, no self-flagellation. Just you, making your next move.
Consider well the Importance of Your Circle
The people around you play a big role in your frequency. Think about this quote from motivational speaker Jim Rohn: “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”
The people you spend time with can either lift you up or bring you down. They influence your thoughts, feelings, and actions, which in turn, affect your frequency.
So, is your circle on the frequency you seek?
1. Does it support your goals? Are the people around you cheering you on, or do they discourage you from pursuing your dreams?
2. Does it encourage a positive outlook? Positivity is contagious, so is negativity. If your friends are generally positive, it is easier for you to maintain a high frequency. Negative people, those who whine and complain will pull you down.
3. Are they growing and improving? People who are curious, those who are always learning and getting better inspire you to do the same.
4. Do you feel good after spending time with them? Pay attention to how you feel after interacting with different people. Those who leave you feeling energized and happy are likely on a frequency that is good for you. Cut out the rest or at least minimise interaction with them.
Sometimes, it is not about cutting people out of your life because they are our near and dear ones. However, we do need to be mindful of who we spend most of our time with and make sure those relationships are supportive of our goals and well-being.
Nourishing Yourself: The Key to Higher Frequency
To maintain a high frequency and stay in alignment with your desires, you need to nourish yourself properly, in every aspect of your being.
1. Physical Nourishment:
— Eating healthy, whole foods with optimal nutritional value
— Drinking plenty of water — to keep hydrated. It supports all our physiological functions
— Getting regular exercise — Believe it or not, the body was made for moving!
— Getting enough sleep — Rest regenerates us and detoxifies us.
2. Mental Nourishment:
— Learning new things — keeps our neurons well especially when we use our hands.
— Reading books that inspire and educate you — keeps you mentally agile and growing
— Engaging in stimulating conversations — opens your perspectives more
— Practicing mindfulness or meditation — brings you in touch with who you are
3. Emotional Nourishment:
— Spending time with people who make you feel good and help widen your perspectives
— Engaging in activities you enjoy that stimulate you as well as calm you down by freeing creative energies
— Practicing gratitude and appreciation for all of life’s aspects
— Allowing yourself to feel and process emotions in a healthy way rather than suppressing them
4. Spiritual Nourishment:
— Connecting with nature, observing the slow tempo of the seasons
— Practicing your faith or exploring your spiritual beliefs
— Engaging in activities that give you a sense of purpose
— Helping others or contributing to your community
Deepak Chopra, a well-known author and alternative medicine advocate, emphasizes the importance of holistic nourishment: “The highest spiritual practice is self-observation without judgment.”
Nourishing ourselves is about being aware of what we are doing and how it affects us and others, without being too hard on ourselves for not being perfect because nobody is!
Here are some Practical Steps to Raise Your Frequency
Let us look at some practical steps you can take to raise your frequency and get more in line with what you want:
Clarify Your Desires: You cannot align with what you want if you are not clear about what that is. Take some time to really think about what you want in different areas of your life. Without a destination, you are going to be floundering about! Sometimes this takes a while to get clear upon and each experience is a teacher to help us refine our goals.
Practice Gratitude: Gratitude is one of the highest-frequency emotions. Start each day by thinking of three things you are grateful for. I can vouch that the effects of this are far-reaching.
Visualize: Spend a few minutes each day visualizing yourself already having or achieving what you want once you know what it is. This helps align your thoughts and feelings with your desires.
Affirmations: Use positive affirmations that support your goals. For example, if you want to improve your health, “I am becoming healthier and stronger every day” is a great affirmation to use. We are too often conditioned towards giving energy to the negatives in life!
Mindful Media Consumption: Be well-aware of what you are feeding your mind. Choose uplifting books, movies, and music that align with your goals and values. Get rid of the news. Seriously!
Surround Yourself with Positivity: Spend more time with positive people. If you cannot change your environment completely, seek out positive influences online or in your community and spend most of your time and energy with them.
Practice Self-Care: Take care of your body and mind. This could include exercise, meditation, hobbies you enjoy, or simply taking time to relax. Nature is a great nurturer. Doing nothing is essential to your well-being.
Help Others and Contribute: Doing things for others makes you feel good inside and raises your frequency. Look for ways to be kind or helpful each day.
Face Your Fears: Often, our fears keep us at a lower frequency and attract a host of negative and disempowering thoughts. Identify your fears and take small steps to overcome them.
Stay Present: Live in the present moment rather than ruminating about the past that is gone or worrying about a vague future. Be where you are, body, mind and soul! This helps maintain a higher frequency.
The Challenge of Maintaining Alignment
Staying in alignment with what you want is not always easy as life has ups and downs, and there will be times when you feel out of sync. This is normal and part of the journey.
The key is to not get discouraged when you fall out of alignment. Instead, see it as an opportunity to learn and grow.
Ask yourself:
What knocked me out of alignment?
How can I respond differently next time?
What do I need to do to get back in alignment?
The Ripple Effect of Alignment
When you start to align yourself with what you want, you might notice some interesting changes. Not only do you feel better, but you find that good things start happening more often. You meet the right people at the right time, and amazing opportunities show up unexpectedly.
This is not magic but simply the consequence of being in tune with yourself and what you want.
Moreover, your alignment can have a positive effect on others. As you raise your frequency, you might inspire those around you to do the same. This creates a domino-effect, spreading positivity and higher frequency vibrations to your family, friends, and community.
We do indeed live in a world of frequency and by understanding this concept and working to align ourselves with what we want, we can create more fulfilling and successful lives.
Remember to regularly ask yourself these important questions:
Am I in alignment with what I want?
Is my circle on the frequency I seek?
Am I nourishing myself with the right kind of things from all aspects?
The famous physicist Nikola Tesla said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
Being in alignment means that all these areas are working together towards what you want. It is like all the instruments in an orchestra playing in harmony to create beautiful music.
By thinking in terms of frequency and working on our alignment, we can certainly uncover the secrets to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.
– Tina Saxena (mindfulness practitioner and life-design coach)