Land Slide Near Nigulsari on NH-5 Damages Two Vehicles Loaded with Apples
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In a hilly area near Nigulsari, on National Highway 5 in Kinnaur district, Himachal Pradesh, a landslide occurred on Thursday morning. This resulted in heavy boulders falling onto the road, affecting two vehicles loaded with apples. Fortunately, there were no reported injuries, but both vehicles and their apple cargo suffered significant damage.
Due to the landslide, National Highway 5 was completely blocked for approximately five hours, affecting traffic between Reckong Peo, Rampur, Shimla, and Shimla to Reckong Peo. The closure led to long queues of vehicles on both sides of the road. During this time, a truck loaded with apples and a pickup truck was caught in the rockfall, causing substantial damage to both vehicles and spilling apples onto the road.
Upon receiving the information about the road closure, the NH authorities initiated efforts to clear the road. After nearly five hours, the road was reopened for all vehicles. NH’s junior engineer, Satish Joshi, reported that the road had been blocked due to rocks falling from the hillside, but it was cleared and reopened.
This incident highlights the challenges faced on hilly roads, particularly during the monsoon season, where landslides can temporarily disrupt transportation. Fortunately, in this case, there were no casualties reported.