JUIT’s B.Tech. Biotechnology Program Reaccredited by NBA Until 2027
1 min read
Solan, November 5, 2024 – Jaypee University of Information Technology (JUIT), Waknaghat, has proudly announced that its B.Tech. Biotechnology program has once again earned National Board of Accreditation (NBA) accreditation, extending until June 2027. This prestigious recognition is granted to programs meeting rigorous standards in quality education, making JUIT’s biotechnology program one of the most esteemed in India.
The NBA is a premier accreditation body in India, alongside the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), specifically accrediting technical programs like engineering and management. JUIT also recently received an A+ NAAC grade, valid through 2029, further highlighting the institution’s dedication to educational excellence. NBA accreditation not only enhances student confidence but also boosts employment prospects, as employers highly value degrees from accredited programs. This reaccreditation reflects JUIT’s commitment to quality assurance, continuous improvement, and accountability to the public.
Prof. Sudhir Kumar, Head of the Department of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, expressed pride in this achievement, attributing it to JUIT’s strong infrastructure, visionary management, and a dedicated team of faculty, staff, and students. Prof. R.K. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, and CEO Shri Manu Bhaskar Gaur extended congratulations to all involved, particularly recognizing the efforts of Dr. Saurabh Bansal, the NBA Coordinator, for his role in the reaccreditation process.