Himachal Tonite

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Jairam Thakur Insulting the Mandate by Greed: Bali

2 min read

Opposition Leaders Fluttering Like Fish Without Power

Voters Have Given a Mandate for BJP to Sit in Opposition

Raghuvir Singh Bali, Chairman of the Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation, stated that opposition leaders, including Jayaram Thakur, are fluttering like fish without power. He said that in the 2020 assembly elections, the voters of the state gave a mandate for the BJP to sit in opposition, but opposition leaders are unable to digest this mandate. Since the formation of the Congress government in the state, BJP leaders have repeatedly hinted at ‘Operation Lotus’ openly and are conspiring to destabilize the current state government. He said that Jayaram Thakur should accept the mandate with an open mind, leaving aside the greed for power, and should play a constructive role as an opposition for the entire five years. He said that the current state government is stable and any conspiracy of the BJP will not succeed. He said that the current state government will complete its full five-year term.

Bali said that BJP leaders are using money and muscle power forgetting all the boundaries to grab power. He said that a true Congressman is never for sale, and the people of Himachal Pradesh never forgive those who are for sale because the people of Himachal Pradesh are hardworking and eat the bread of honesty, but they never compromise on their honesty. He said that Chief Minister Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhoo has emerged from a common family and reached the position of Chief Minister after a struggle of thirty-five years, and has successfully faced many challenges. He said that Chief Minister Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhoo is capable of facing every conspiracy and challenge of the BJP, and all the legislators are with him.

The Chairman of the Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation said that the current state government is creating a new history of public welfare. Chief Minister Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhoo is working beyond the leaks and meeting the orphans straight after taking the oath is a symbol of his nature. Not only this, to help the families affected by disaster, Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhoo has presented an example by donating a sum of 51 lakh rupees from his personal savings in front of the whole country. That is why big international organizations have praised his leadership. Bali said that in the last line of society, Chief Minister Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhoo is well aware of the pain of the standing person, so after taking over the power, he has been engaged in public service from the very first day.

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