Himachal Tonite

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Jairam Thakur Urges Timely Wages for Para-Workers

2 min read

Mandi: Leader of Opposition, Jairam Thakur, in a press statement, urged the government to release the wages of all para-workers and outsourced employees on time. Thakur expressed concern over the plight of water guards, who voiced their grievances during a march to the Vidhan Sabha yesterday. Despite their low wages, they often face delays of up to six months in receiving their salaries. He pointed out that this issue is not limited to water guards but affects many para-workers and outsourced employees across various departments. Delayed payments have become a widespread problem, impacting their ability to sustain their families. He called on the government to ensure timely disbursement of wages and honor their contributions.

Thakur also urged the government to listen to the demands of water guards and address them with empathy. He criticized the government’s authoritarian attitude, which has led to a breakdown in communication with the public. He questioned why people from various sectors are compelled to take to the streets in protest, highlighting that development projects across the state have come to a halt, and job opportunities have dwindled. He accused the Congress government of failing to deliver on its pre-election promises, leaving many disillusioned due to its lack of action and communication.

In addition to these issues, Jairam Thakur inaugurated the block-level U-19 sports competition in Bagachanogi, Saraj. He emphasized the importance of sports in building both physical health and leadership skills, fostering sportsmanship, and preparing students for future challenges. He extended his best wishes to all participants. Thakur also urged the government to immediately lift the ban imposed by the department on U-12 sports competitions, requesting the Chief Minister to take prompt action on this matter.

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