Jairam Criticizes Government for Increasing Mustard Oil Prices
1 min read
Shimla, August 6, 2024 – Former Chief Minister and Leader of Opposition Jairam Thakur has criticized the government for increasing the prices of mustard oil in ration depots, exacerbating the burden of inflation on the people. He stated that the current administration’s decisions are not providing any relief to the public, and instead, are creating hardships by raising prices of essential commodities and discontinuing old facilities.
Thakur highlighted that during a time when the state is grappling with disasters, the government’s decision to hike mustard oil prices by over ten percent is particularly troubling for residents. He urged the government to avoid such anti-people decisions.
He also accused the Sukhu government of burdening people by discontinuing old facilities and increasing the cost of ongoing schemes. The increase in mustard oil prices in depots will impact millions, and the discontinuation of schemes like Him Care in private hospitals is causing widespread distress. With only government hospitals available for treatment, waiting times have increased, leading to unnecessary delays which can be risky.
Thakur also emphasized that the government should focus on disaster preparedness as heavy rains are predicted in the coming days. He called for vigilance at all levels to prevent damage and ensure that those affected by the disaster receive all necessary assistance without delay.