HPSPCB Organize Plantation Drive
1 min read
Shimla, July 24 – Himachal Pradesh State Pollution Control Board Regional Office Shimla organised a plantation drive in collaboration with Forest Department Himachal Pradesh and the Oberoi Group (The Clarks and The Cecil) today on 24th July, 2022. Shri Apoorv Devgan (IAS) Member Secretary of the State Board graced the occasion and planted several tress such as Deodar, chestnut, walnut etc. Approximately 35 volunteers from regional office Shimla, regional Laboratory Shimla and Head Office participated in the drive along with the participants from Forest department and 200 saplings of Devdar, Chestnut, Walnut and Apricot were planted near Atal Institute of Medical Sciences, Chamiyana, Shimla.