HP to come up with Drug De-Addiction and Rehabilitation Policy
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Shimla, May 17 – Himachal Pradesh is well known for its natural beauty and is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. Unfortunately, this beautiful state has also come to be known for widespread illicit cultivation of cannabis and opium poppy cultivation. Generally, the youth seem to be the target of this drug menace and its abuse.
Considerable drug addiction, particularly among the local youth, has been noticed at a high rate and the situation is alarming due to unchecked cultivation and the spread of drug abuse over the years in the region.
The present State Government headed by Chief Minister, Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu is resolved to check this menace and deal sternly with those involved in drug peddling. The State Government is also contemplating to prepare a Drug de-addiction and rehabilitation policy for youth who have fallen victim to drug abuse. The main aim of this Policy is to check drug peddling so as to save the youth of the State from this social vice.
A State-of-the-art drug de-addiction cum rehabilitation center will be established in the State with the support of the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences to provide rehabilitation facilities to the youth entangled in the deadly trap of drug abuse. This Center will be of great help to the victims of drug abuse to give them another chance to come into the mainstream.
This Centre will also provide professional training to the inmates besides drug de-addiction. It will give a big boost to their lost confidence and guide them to progress in life. The inmates will be provided with appropriate treatment, rehabilitation and counseling so that they could lead a normal life.
The State Government will ensure full support and cooperation of the Police, Health Department and Advisory Board to make this endeavour a success in the first phase. In the second phase, the Health, Youth Services and Sports, Education and Technical Education, Skill Development, Agriculture and Horticulture Department will work in tandem for the rehabilitation of the inmates.
Going a step forward, the Police, Health, Rural Development and Local Bodies will collaborate for monitoring and evaluation of the inmates after their reintegration into society.