Himachal Tonite

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Himachal Apple to available now in universal cartons

3 min read

Shimla, Apr 7 – Ending exploitive regime in the fruit markets, the middleman and Commission agent would not force the Apple growers and fruit producers of the state by Himachal Pradesh to supply over-sized & overweight apple cartons now.
The State Government notified a new marketing regime forcing new rules with effect from April 6, 2023 directing all the APMCs to ensure selling of all fruits including Apple by weight which should be made available by the seller in standard size and weight universal cartoon.
In this regard a notification was issued here on Thursday stating that resolution was passed by the members of Himachal Pradesh Agriculture Marketing Board during its meeting held on 4th April, 2023.
The notification issued by the State Secretary agricultural maintained that all produce should be sold by weight in all the markets of Himachal Pradesh. All market functionaries, traders, sellers, buyers and commission agents registered under the Himachal Pradesh Agricultural and Horticultural Produce Marketing (Development and Regulation) Act, 2005 should observe this notification.
The Managing Director of HPAMB said that according to new norms Apple and similar fruits should be sold by weight in all the markets in market area. The Sellers would bring apple and similar fruits to be packed in universal carton , telescopic carton , crates etc. However, weight in each box should not exceed 24 Kgs.in any case.
Notification further stated that seller should have to indicate proper weight of apple and similar fruits on the carton or box with permanent marker.
It shall be mandatory to weigh the sample box(s) in each market yard or auction floor. The commission agents should have to arrange for weighing machine for this purpose. The weighing instruments and such weights and measures must satisfy the requirements as prescribed under the HP Weights & Measures Act, 1968, or any other law for the time being in force, shall be used for weighing or measuring agricultural produce in a notified market area.
In case of any dispute with regard to weight, a Sub-Committee consisting of Seller, Buyer, Commission agent and APMC’s representative, should weigh the sample(s) on APMC’s weighing machine, the weight so arrived, shall be considered final and conclusive.
All new license, renewal of license, and allocation of space in yard would be subject to condition that trade will be undertaken only on weighment basis. Secretary Agriculture stated that all the instructions will be implemented in letter and spirit in all the APMCs should have to ensure adequate number of weighing machines in their yards.
It is worthwhile to mention here that Fruit growers unions including small and marginal orchardust are pressing the government to ensure exploitation less profarmers market practices in the Fruit Mandis as big orchardists under the influence of few private dealers and middlemen are alluring apple growers to compete with them by packing oversized and overweight cartoon.
Those growers who are supplying small consignment of quality apple in standard size and weight could not able to compete in old market regime they are being paid lesser prices for not catrering allurement of over-sized and weight boxes.

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