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Government Plans to End Free Electricity Scheme: Jairam

2 min read

Shimla, July 1, 2024 – Leader of Opposition Jairam Thakur has criticized the Sukhu government, claiming it is planning to end the free electricity scheme initiated by the previous administration. Thakur alleged that various attempts have been made to discontinue the scheme, but these efforts have not succeeded. However, the current government is now preparing to withdraw this benefit from those who fall within the income tax bracket, and this issue is expected to be discussed in the cabinet soon.

Thakur pointed out that the Congress made several false promises and guarantees to come to power in Himachal Pradesh, including the guarantee of providing 300 units of free electricity to residents without any conditions. Despite being in power for over a year and a half, the Chief Minister has not addressed this guarantee. Instead, the prices of electricity and water have increased. The government has attempted several times to terminate the 125-unit free electricity scheme started by the previous BJP government, but these attempts were met with strong opposition from the BJP, preventing their success. Now, the Sukhu government is trying a new tactic, which the BJP will vehemently oppose.

Thakur further alleged that the current government is focused solely on benefiting its friends, with no concern for the welfare of the state’s residents. He accused the government of providing open protection to criminals, leading to a breakdown in law and order. Thakur highlighted recent incidents of daylight shootings and active mafia activities in the state, including a recent shooting in the industrial city of Baddi, which he attributed to power struggles. He demanded that the Chief Minister address these issues and ensure law and order.

Thakur also criticized the government’s handling of the three by-elections in the state, attributing the situation to the Chief Minister’s treatment of independent MLAs, including pressuring them for support and ignoring their concerns. He emphasized that in a democracy, power lies with the people, and the BJP received overwhelming support in the recent Lok Sabha elections despite Congress being in power in the state. He expressed confidence that the BJP would win all three seats in the upcoming by-elections, paving the way for the Congress’s removal from power.

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