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Glorious Science Week Concludes

4 min read

Himachal Pradesh Council for Science Technology and Environment (HIMCOSTE), Shimla today concluded a week long program today on 28th Feb, 2022 titled as Glorious Science Week – Vigyan Sarvatra Pujyate( 22nd- 28th Feb) with the celebration of National Science Day-2022 at Gaiety Theatre, Shimla.

National Science Day is celebrated in India to commemorate the discovery of the “Raman Effect” by renowned Physicists Sir CV Raman. The pride of the “Raman Effect” is a strong driving force for the young generation of India to contribute to the field of Science & Research. The theme of National Science Day-2022 is on “Integrated Approach in Science and Technology for a Sustainable Future.” It conveys that it’s a waste of time to live without science! Do miracles happen? It would be a separate issue, but if you believe in science you would always consider the logic behind the reason.

Himachal Pradesh Council for Science, Technology & Environment (HIMCOSTE) is working on Science popularisation of Science program jointly with Himachal Pradesh Children’s Science Congress (HPCSC) program to promote various scientific activities for the students of Himachal Pradesh. This year it was celebrated in 75 locations across the country as a part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. Under this event four themes have been recognized for the week long celebration namely, Annals of History of Science, Milestones of modern Science and Technology, Swadeshi Paramparik Inventions and Innovations, Transforming India are covered. Under this program various activities were conducted like quiz competitions, science model making, informative lectures and documentaries.

Sh. Sudesh Kumar Mokhta, Director, Environment, Science &Technology and Member Secretary, HIMCOSTE with Sh. Satpal Dhiman, Additional Secretary, Environment, Science &Technology and Joint Member Secretary, HIMCOSTE welcomed the Hon’ble Minister of Education, Himachal Pradesh Sh. Govind Singh Thakur.

Sh. Govind Singh Thakur, Hon’ble Minister of Education, Himachal Pradesh was the Chief Guest of the programme. Hon’ble Minister apprised about the scheme that was started by Government in 2018 (Yuva Vigyan Puraskar) for the meritorious students in the field of science. HIMCOSTE Shimla, is successfully celebrating it from last four years. During his speech he congratulated the winners of Young Science Award -2022 and showed gratitude towards their teachers and parents for enhancing their skills in the field of science and technology. The Hon’ble Minister of Education honoured winners of different competitions organized by HIMCOSTE, Shimla under this science week. There are total 134 students were selected this year 2021. Honourable ministers appreciated the efforts of HIMCOSTE, Staff for organizing such innovative event every year.

Prof A.D. Ahulwalia, Retired Professor from Department of Geology, Panjab University, Chandigarh are also invited for the lecture on Evolution of Himalayas and their zoological background.

Welcome note was addressed by Sh. Sudesh Kumar Mokhta, Director, Environment, Science &Technology and Member Secretary, HIMCOSTE. His speech started with contribution of Scientists CV Raman in the field of Science. He discussed the HIMCOSTE activities done every years for the upliftment of science & technology. He said that every year HIMCOSTE conduct State Level Himachal Pradesh Children Science Congress program for the students of Himachal Pradesh under which different activities related to Science like (Quiz, Mathematic Olympiad, and Science Activity Corner & Innovative Science Model ) etc are been done every year. He said that a country cannot progress until advances are made in Science and Technology. In order to encourage and promote meritorious students at school level towards taking up science education Government, is giving financial support for their education, HIMCOSTE has instituted different scholarships for the them under which Yuva Vigyan Puraskar was launched in 2018. This scheme provide scholarship to top ten students of Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education, Dharamshala, from class 12th Medical and Non Medical(Science stream combined) streams every year. This scholarship amounted between 1-₹ 1,00,000/-, II-₹ 90,000/-, III-₹ 80,000/-,IV- ₹ 70,000/- and V- ₹ 60,000/- and so on, rank wise respectively. The aim of the scheme is to identify young talented scientists. He informed that Under Children’s Science Congress total 22000 students participated from different blocks, districts level to state level. Uner this scheme in 2018 the 47 students were awaded , , 30 students in 2019, 46 students in 2020, and this year 134 students.

In the closing ceremony of function Sh. Satpal Dhiman, Additional Secretary, Environment, Science &Technology and Joint Member Secretary, HIMCOSTE. He congratulated for the better future of Yuva Vigyan Puraskar winners. Selected from different districts of Himachal Pradesh. He appreciated the efforts of HIMCOSTE staff and Sanjauli College for successfully organizing a week long program titled as Glorious Science Week – Vigyan Sarvatra Pujyate on the occasion of National Science Day-2022.


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