FLOURISH By Sonali Sharma
2 min read
There comes a time in life when you feel stuck,
sometimes you pour your heart,
sometimes you decide to rest,
sometimes you take a lonely walk,
sometimes to the chest you lay your head,
sometimes you need a shoulder,
sometimes maybe you need a nudge,
what if I say, you must reside and go to your internal self?
or I must say, contemplate and dig the cause,
because lately nobody cares of your sane self.
Maybe you’re that kind,
who binds an empathetic tie,
maybe you pour yourself till you reach the sky and
later you fall down from up above the sky, maybe you shine too much and,
nobody can ever imagine you too can have a dull moment?
You hide yourself, up and beneath,
sometimes in crowds, sometimes in flower-less trees,
sometimes behind that teensy bit of hope, sometimes behind the facade of a happy doll,
nobody knows you too have phases,
you too hide one day and shine a li’l the other day,
someday you come out as full, sometime as a crescent,
sometime in half, sometime in less,
Maybe nobody will know, because you feel too much,
you push them away before they come too close,
A few have the audacity to break the wall of stone,
when they do, there they find a plenty of melted snow,
of that you’re afraid because now there’s a hole in your gate,
Now you worry, worry a li’l too much,
as that’s happened before and it didn’t end well,
You hide and lock your gate,
but that stain still resides in your place,
maybe it’s not too bad,
You learn and grow, maybe everything doesn’t happen for a bad cause or so,
You find a place for yourself,
comforting your inner self,
You don’t hide this time,
You face the world with a bright smile,
cause if you die, you will keep regretting the days of sigh,
You fly high, till it’s your time,
Facing all the things with high of bliss in sight,
cause who knows what will happen tomorrow,
If I die, I don’t want to leave in a state of sorrow.