Final year students welcomed back to Shoolini Univ campus
2 min read
Solan August 3 -The campus of Shoolini University opened today for final year Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Ph.D students with a welcome and orientation programme.
The students coming back to the campus must have at least one dose of Covid vaccination done. All the other covid protocols are also to be followed strictly by the students.
Shoolini University Chancellor, Prof P.K Khosla, inaugurated the event by welcoming the students in the campus and explained the importance of physical mode of education.
Addressing the students both through online and offline modes, Vice-chancellor Prof Atul Khosla stated that hybrid mode of education would still be functional for students unable to attend the classes offline. He assured that there would be no compromise on the quality of education imparted.
Director Operation, Brig. S.D Mehta explained the guidelines for the students that need to be followed while there stay in the campus. He also announced the opening up of new facilities at the university including installation of elevators and upgradation of boarding and lodging facilities.
Dr. Ashoo Khosla, Director Learning, took a session on the new changes in educational policies and the technological up-gradation in curriculum.
Mr. Vishal Anand, Pro Chancellor also welcomed the students and explained the importance of research for the educational institutions.
The event was live streamed on YouTube and Zoom for students attending from their homes. Deans and Directors of every department and other faculty members were present. The programme, moderated by Dean Students Welfare Ms Poonam Nanda, ended with some fun activities.