CS directs to process crop damage cases of farmers at earliest
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Shimla, April 27 – Chief Secretary Anil Khachi presided over a meeting to review the damages caused due to recent unseasonal snow, hailstorm and rain in the State, so that compensation of the crop damages could be provided to the farmers. Officers of Revenue, Horticulture, Agriculture Department, Banks and Insurance companies were present in the meeting.
Chief Secretary directed the District Level Committees of Horticulture and Agriculture Department constituted under the chairmanship of Deputy Directors to prepare and submit a detailed analysis report of crop loss assessment and submit it to insurance companies. He asked the insurance companies to process the cases of the farmers at the earliest. He also directed the Revenue Department to complete girdawari on priority basis in affected areas.
Chief Secretary appealed the farmers to file claims of the crop damages caused due to recent unseasonal snow, hailstorm and rain through banks, panchayats, agriculture and horticulture department or directly to the insurance companies, so that assessment could be done at the earliest.