Cong wins 9 seats , BJP 4 & CPM 1 in Shimla MC poll
1 min read
Shimla, May 4 – Congress won nine seats and BJP four and CPI(M) one seats in 2nd round of Shimla MC Election as counting began here this morning for 34 wards.
The Congress has won the ward no 7- Majyath seat, Ward no 6- Totu and Ward no- 3- Kaithu. Congress Kanta Siyal, Congress candidate from Ward no 3 Kaithu has won. Annadale ward no 4 Cong won .
Howeverits heavyweights, Jitender Choudhary from ward no 1(Bharadi) has lost to Meena Chauhan of BJP.In Ward no 2 Ruldubhatta, BJP has won the seat.
Att Summerhill ward no 5 Virender Thakur CPI(M) is being reported to have won. All results likely to be declared with in one hour.
In 2nd round result announced Congress candidate Uma Kashul of Cong won by 521 votes from Tutikandi, Kiran Sharma of Cong won by 72 votes from BJP in Khachighati ward and Nabha ward Simi Nada of Cong won 147 votes from BJP and Shushma Kuthaila of Congress from Ram bazar won from 34 votes from BJP
BJP candidate Bitu pana won by margin of 23 votes from Congress in Krishnanagar ward and Kalyan Singh Dhiman if BJP won 113 votes from Phagli wards against Cong.