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CM Sukhu Pledges Legal Reforms for Pong Dam Displaced

2 min read

Criticizes Hoshiar Singh for Political Betrayal

Dehra: Chief Minister Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu stated that he understands the problems faced by the Pong Dam displaced persons and assured that his government would amend the law if necessary to resolve their issues. Speaking at a youth conference organized by the Youth Congress during election campaigning for Congress candidate Kamlesh Thakur, he emphasized that his government does not evict people from their homes but instead provides three times the compensation to build new homes.

Sukhu criticized the former independent MLA, Hoshiar Singh, for selling his position for personal gain and weakening democracy. He accused Singh of betraying the people who elected him as an independent representative for five years, only to join the BJP after 14 months. The Chief Minister questioned why Singh, who was neither with the Congress nor the BJP, resigned, suggesting he could have sat with the opposition if the Congress government was not working. Sukhu accused Singh and the BJP of imposing an unnecessary by-election on the people of Dehra.

The Chief Minister also claimed that after joining the BJP, Hoshiar Singh did not visit the Dehra constituency for a month and instead focused on efforts to topple the government and get his resignation accepted. Sukhu alleged that Singh’s resignation was pressured by the BJP, with promises of monetary gain, and that the BJP’s honest workers’ efforts were betrayed by Singh’s actions.

Sukhu urged the people of Dehra to vote for the Congress candidate, Kamlesh Thakur, and teach a lesson to those involved in political horse-trading. He assured that significant development, including the establishment of a Zoological Park with a jungle safari, hotels, and other facilities, creating employment for 2000 youths, would follow Thakur’s victory. Sukhu emphasized that this election is a fight between honesty and dishonesty and that the people of Dehra should vote for participation in the government rather than sitting in opposition to ensure development.

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