Himachal Tonite

Go Beyond News

Blood donation camp commemorates World AIDS Day at Shoolini University

1 min read
Soaln, December 2
Shoolini University hosted a Blood Donation Camp to mark World AIDS Day. The camp was organisded by the Office of the Dean  Students’ Welfare Shoolini University.
A dedicated team of six doctors from Indira Gandhi Medical College (IGMC) lent their expertise to the cause, contributing to the success of the camp. Around 130 individuals donated blood, many of whom were first-time donors.
Ensuring a seamless and comfortable experience for the donors were student volunteers who tirelessly worked to assist and support the participants throughout the process.
As part of the awareness drive, student volunteers set up a stall providing valuable information on the facts and myths surrounding HIV AIDS. This educational initiative aimed to dispel misconceptions and foster a greater understanding of the disease within the university community.
An additional highlight of the event was the participation of DATRI, an organisation dedicated to facilitating stem cell donations. Students willingly provided saliva samples, which will be stored for future matching with patients in need of stem cell donations.
Dean Students Welfare Mrs. Poonam Nanda expressed her gratitude to all participants and contributors. She also emphasised the importance of such initiatives in promoting a sense of responsibility and awareness among the youth.

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