Himachal Tonite

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BJP’s Conspiratorial Politics Exposed: Naresh Chauhan

2 min read

Shimla, July 1, 2024 – In a scathing attack on the BJP, Naresh Chauhan, Vice President of the Himachal Pradesh Congress Party, accused the BJP of engaging in conspiratorial politics, leading to unnecessary by-elections in the state. During a press conference, Chauhan declared that the BJP’s “Operation Lotus” had backfired, exposing the party’s deceitful tactics to the public.

Chauhan criticized BJP leaders, alleging that their lust for power had forced nine assembly constituencies into elections. He held the BJP responsible for the upcoming by-elections in Nalagarh, Hamirpur, and Dehra, asserting that the voters would deliver a strong message through their votes.

He pointed out that the electorate had already sidelined four BJP MLAs and suggested that the public was now prepared to retire three more from politics. Chauhan expressed confidence that the Congress would receive overwhelming support, increasing its strength to 41 MLAs in the assembly, compared to the BJP’s 27. Despite this, BJP leaders continue to make absurd claims about toppling the government.

Chauhan condemned the BJP for wasting valuable time and resources on elections that could have been used for development. He emphasized that the public would never forgive the BJP for their undemocratic intentions. He highlighted the rejection of the BJP’s money power by the people, who have shown their support for the Congress instead.

Addressing the controversy surrounding the Chief Parliamentary Secretary (CPS) position, Chauhan accused former Chief Minister Jairam Thakur of making irresponsible statements, reflecting his frustration. He labeled Thakur as a visionless Leader of the Opposition who had failed to offer any constructive suggestions for the public’s benefit during his tenure, focusing solely on trying to bring down the government.

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