Himachal Tonite

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BJP: Factory of Lies with PM Modi as Its Leader, Says Congress Vice President Harikrishna Himral

2 min read

Shimla, May 25, 2024– In the ongoing Lok Sabha election campaign, Congress state vice-president Harikrishna Himral has vehemently criticized the BJP and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, accusing them of spreading false propaganda. Himral labeled the BJP as the most deceitful party globally, with PM Modi at its helm. He accused the BJP leadership of disrupting the tranquility of Himachal Pradesh with their dishonest narratives.

Himral specifically condemned PM Modi’s statement claiming that the central government had provided hundreds of crores in assistance to Himachal Pradesh during the recent severe natural disaster. According to Himral, Modi is misleading the public as there was no substantial support from the Prime Minister during the crisis. Despite Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu’s persistent requests to declare the disaster a national calamity and to allocate Rs 10,000 crore for recovery, Modi remained silent.

Himral mocked Modi’s current assertions of financial aid mismanagement, noting that these claims are tactics to deceive the electorate as the BJP faces the likelihood of losing power in the upcoming June 4 elections.

Furthermore, Himral targeted Leader of the Opposition Jairam Thakur, calling him a puppet of PM Modi. He criticized Thakur for allegedly obstructing the rightful aid for the disaster-stricken state. According to Himral, Thakur remained silent on disaster relief proposals during assembly sessions and even walked out of the assembly, undermining the state’s interests.

Himral accused Thakur of plunging the state into debt during his tenure and wasting funds on personal luxuries while denying employees their rightful dues. He claimed Thakur made empty promises by announcing over 900 new institutions without budget provisions before leaving office. Himral praised the current government’s disaster response, which has been commended by both the NITI Aayog and the World Bank.

He also highlighted the BJP’s failure to fulfill its promises from ten years ago, accusing the party of focusing on divisive rhetoric instead of addressing pressing issues like inflation, unemployment, and farmers’ welfare. Himral concluded that the electorate has already rejected the BJP in six phases of the elections, and the people of Himachal Pradesh are poised to oust the BJP in the final phase, ensuring a resounding victory for Congress candidates in all Lok Sabha and assembly seats.

With this comprehensive critique, Himral aims to solidify Congress’s position and appeal to voters to support their candidates for a better future for Himachal Pradesh and the nation.

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